Priory Arts Leominster received £15,000 from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund to support its Threads through Creation programme.
Other funders include the Herefordshire Community Foundation, Diocese of Hereford, Leominster Town Council and Leominster Priory. Through their partnership with Leominster Museum other funders include the Vaughan Williams Foundation and The Elmley Foundation.
Organised by Priory Arts on behalf of Leominster Priory, the festival sought to be inclusive, inviting those who visited to develop their own response to the art work and supporting activities. The programme was developed in collaboration with a wide variety of local community groups, institutions and schools from Leominster and the surrounding area.
Based on the Creation stories in the Bible, it was a programme of church and community events that enable people of faith, of no faith, or those seeking meaning and purpose in life, to engage creatively with the issues raised by the art work. It explored questions of ecological concern, creativity, community, identity and spirituality.
We hope you will found your visit to the exhibition, displayed in the historic and inspiring Leominster Priory, enlightening, entertaining and thoughtful.